Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Ron Howard Interview

    Ron Howards discussion about his movie "Driven" held one, very specific, shining example to all film makers out there- amature or professional.
    He was asked in this specific article if he- the director of "Apollo13", "Cast Away", "Willow", and a number of other classics who've all been box office gold- knew just be looking, if a film project was going to be a hit or not?
    His response: no.
    The paragon director of our time stated, up front, that even he cannot tell at a glance of script or diagram, if a film project will succeed or fail.
   "The film market is far to volatile and fluid to ever say for sure if a project will succeed or fail," he said.  "When I look at a script or project, and I like it, and I decide to do it, I give it my all.  I pour myself into it and make as great as I can."
     Red letter words those.
     And the bullet point being successful in any business.
     If you give less than your all, and you don't succeed, you already know why.
    Going into business for yourself is not a part time or  75% of the time, thing.  Its a 100% of your time and energy thing.  And when you decide to do a project, when you accept a client or investors money and say, "I will do this,", you need to give it your all.
   Its like the sold cliche goes:  success is 1% inspiration, and 99% perspiration.    

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